all postcodes in PO31 / COWES

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO31 7AD 30 22 50.750917 -1.311128
PO31 7AE 29 8 50.74925 -1.312046
PO31 7AH 11 0 50.758408 -1.302073
PO31 7AJ 13 5 50.763971 -1.298044
PO31 7AL 5 0 50.763889 -1.297932
PO31 7AN 1 1 50.763464 -1.297612
PO31 7AQ 1 1 50.706999 -1.294717
PO31 7AR 14 5 50.762797 -1.297282
PO31 7AS 1 1 50.762429 -1.297372
PO31 7AT 8 7 50.762259 -1.297861
PO31 7PF 52 0 50.754749 -1.296216
PO31 7AW 16 5 50.762969 -1.29752
PO31 7AX 16 5 50.76182 -1.297807
PO31 7AY 11 10 50.761457 -1.297561
PO31 7BB 20 0 50.750762 -1.312293
PO31 7BD 1 1 50.761181 -1.296285
PO31 7BE 15 8 50.760871 -1.297414
PO31 7BG 14 8 50.760739 -1.297596
PO31 7BH 51 15 50.760214 -1.296895
PO31 7BQ 4 2 50.761126 -1.297604